This dish pays tribute to the vibrantly flavored, Indian classic comfort food, Chana Masala. And it’s easy to make this classic, protein rich dish with two of the Conflict Seeds in the GOTG collection: Kabouli Black Garbanzo beans from Afghanistan and Coral Sorghum from South Sudan. GOTG feels that food and our shared agricultural heritage fundamentally connects us all. As you make this dish, with plants from these two countries, remember the people and the hardship they have endured. Remember that real people with lives just as valuable as your own have these heirloom seeds as their seed heritage--a heritage being lost due to perpetual war and violent conflict. But, above all, prepare and eat this meal as a way to reframe these places for yourself and the people you share your table with. GOTG believes that the simple act of growing and preparing these foods helps to define seed justice and freedom!

(Recipe copied and revised from https://sharonpalmer.com)