Peace & Unity Revival Seeds
OUR Gardens feels our shared 10 thousand year old agricultural heritage fundamentally connects us all to the human race!
We ask that you consider growing seeds from around the world to humanize these places. Moreover, in growing these heirloom plants, we can all realize viscerally that seed heritage is a human right that is often lost in the rubble of war. I grow from the seed heritage from 150 plus countries totaling
When I give talks about OUR Gardens, I often ask what people know of Afghanistan. War and opium fields guarded by US soldiers are common answers. For me, I think of the Afghan people and the eight seed varieties I grow to honor them and their beautiful, very human, seed heritage. When I think of Afghanistan, I think of a green eggplant, an okra, and a very spicy giant cress; I think of an orange tomato, the Afghan Melon, and the herb Fenugreek. These seeds and several others can be purchased at the three seed companies listed below: Bakers Creek Seed Company, Experimental Farm Network, and Truelove Seeds.